Do you need to see the doctor? Book your appointment today!
30 min
75 Bahamian dollars- Available Online
Is your prescription out of refills? Book online for a refill today!
15 min
25 Bahamian dollars Have a concern about your sexual, vaginal or reproductive health? We are here to help!
1 hr
175 Bahamian dollarsDo you need someone to talk to? Make your Mental Health a priority today and book an appointment!
1 hr
45 Bahamian dollarsDo you need your wound dressed or stitched? Book an appointment today!
30 min
VARIESAre you having skin concerns?Make an appointment today and let us help!
1 hr
65 Bahamian dollarsHave you already been seen by us and need a follow up visit? Book today!
30 min
65 Bahamian dollarsBook a follow up appointment visit for your little one so we can ensure everything is going well.
30 min
55 Bahamian dollarsGet tested for Herpes, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV and Syphilis testing one testing panel
30 min
175 Bahamian dollarsYearly routine physical, general medical exam, health evaluation
1 hr
VariesThis test is used to detect the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
15 min
50 Bahamian dollars3 month, injectable birth control option.
15 min
35 Bahamian dollarsFinger prick/stick to check blood glucose levels.
15 min
10 Bahamian dollarsThe best way to confirm your pregnancy is to have a pregnancy test.
15 min
20 Bahamian dollarsA urinalysis is a test of your urine. It's used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such
15 min
20 Bahamian dollarspre-employment medical clearance
45 min
60 Bahamian dollarsBlood pressure is an important part of general health care.
15 min
A routine procedure used to remove excess earwax called cerumen, or foreign materials from ear.
30 min
100 Bahamian dollarsVaginal pH tests measure the acidity of the vagina. They can help indicate whether vaginal symptoms
15 min
20 Bahamian dollarsDTaP vaccine can prevent diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
30 min
60 Bahamian dollarsGet tested for Chlamydia, Gonnorhea, HIV, Syphillis & UTI in one testing
30 min
99 Bahamian dollarsA rapid antigen indicates if you have an active coronavirus infection.
15 min
25 Bahamian dollarsA visit to the gynecologist is recommended for annual screening and any time a woman has concerns.
1 hr
VARIESA visit to the gynecologist is recommended for annual screening and any time a woman has concerns.
1 hr
VARIESChange of your indwelling catheter
30 min
125 Bahamian dollarsIt help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future.
1 hr
VARIESIt help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future.
1 hr
VARIESA thorough physical examination covers head to toe.
1 hr
145 Bahamian dollarsA thorough physical examination covers head to toe.
1 hr
250 Bahamian dollarsGet tested for all the viruses in one testing panel.
30 min
195 Bahamian dollarsSimilar to a pimple, but larger and deeper under the skin.
45 min
VARIESThe goal is to help the wound heal as soon as possible by using an appropriate dressing.
30 min
VARIESYearly routine physical, general medical exam, health evaluation.
1 hr
199 Bahamian dollarsInjections, are anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions.
15 min
75 Bahamian dollarsThis test is used to detect if chlamydia or gonorrhea is present.
15 min
75 Bahamian dollarsGenital herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI)
15 min
75 Bahamian dollarshis test is used to detect the presence of trichomonas.
15 min
75 Bahamian dollarsYearly routine physical, general medical exam, health evaluation
1 hr
199 Bahamian dollarsEarly routine physical, general medical exam, health evaluation
1 hr
299 Bahamian dollarsDiabetes, a chronic condition, is diagnosed and monitored with blood glucose testing.
1 hr
150 Bahamian dollarsAre you concerned about your female health? Book the Pink Package !
1 hr
275 Bahamian dollarsIs your child not feeling well? Make an appointment for your little one today!
30 min
65 Bahamian dollarsVitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in many bodily functions.
30 min
30 Bahamian dollarsIt's Flu season, make your health a priority and get your influenza vaccine today !
30 min
65 Bahamian dollarsBoost your immune system today !
1 hr
Starting at $ 199.0030 min
Starting from $ 4015 min
60 Bahamian dollars15 min
99 Bahamian dollars30 min
125 Bahamian dollars30 min
75 Bahamian dollarsThe only annual physical that includes personal fitness training and nutrition.
1 hr
399 Bahamian dollars45 min